FAQ: How can I read the calibration date for an E3630 series or E3640 series power supply?

The calibration message containing the factory calibration date can be retrieved by using the "CALibration:STRing" command. After the calibration is completed, the date can be changed with the " CALibration:STRing " command.

The E364xA family has a way to read the calibration string through the front panel. Press the view button, rotate the knob until "CAL STRING" is displayed, and then press view again. The calibration string will appear on the front panel.

The user must use the " CALibration:STRing " command to modify the calibration message, or else the factory calibration date will be returned when it is queried.

Applies to: E3631A, E3632A, E3633A, E3634A, E3640A, E3641A, E3642A, E3643A, E3644A, E3645A, E3646A, E3647A, E3648A, E3649A

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